Hi There 👋, Syakir Here!

I am a Front-end Engineer from Indonesia. I love sharing what i know on devaradise.com, and sometime i also share freebies like this. I'm also active on dev.to and twitter.

I made Devolio to help you easily set up your own blog and portfolio website. It's a static site built with Astro and Tailwind CSS, and you can deploy it on platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or Cloudflare Pages.

Muhammad Syakirurohman

My Projects

All projects »


A blog that sharing web development resources and tutorials

ECommerce Saas

Sellercraft App

An Ecommerce omnichannel platform in Southeast Asia


Gaji.id App

Payroll and HR Management Information System

React UI Library

Paradise UI

A Headless, Simple, Modular and Highly customizable React UI component Library

React Lab

React Lab - React UI Component Experiments


Pokemon Catcher

A simple web app to search and catch a pokemon using React, Redux Toolkit, and MaterialUI